About me personally

We all come from different backgrounds and many different experiences. I think it’s interesing finding out about the people who do work for me and the people for whom I work. I don’t think I’m particularly unusual about this so that’s why I’ve added this page about myself - just an FYI if you’re curious.

Early life

14 years old - earned SCUBA license (NAUI)

19 years old - earned SCUBA "associate" instructor's license (NAUI)
- automatically accredited as full instructor when I turned 21

21 years old - BA Economics, Stanford University

23 years old - MBA University of Southern California



Like everyone else I have a private life.

I like books, movies & documentaries (especially history), getting about some, and over the years have skied, sailed, body surfed, enjoyed photography, played several musical instruments, always loved science and have been fascinated with Japanese gardens since I was 16.

Since my early 20's I also wanted to skydive. However there was always a small problem - I'm terrified of heights. Finally a couple years back I decided I wasn't getting any younger so it was now or never.

Now it's become a passion.


Australian Parachute Federation - member


For me skydiving is like dancing with the sky and flying with the horizon.

Of course this isn't everyone's idea of fun or a challenge.
Fortunately we're all different and we all hear a different song - which is how it should be.

But regardless of whatever our individual hopes and aspirations may be, I have a personnal saying:

Life should not be a spectator sport
- follow your dreams.